Like most psychiatric conditions, social anxiety disorder develops in childhood. It continues to develop as the person grows into adulthood and becomes more complex as they age and gain a more complex inner life. The National Institute for Mental Health reports that social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders cannot be cured. However, they can be treated and their symptoms can be brought under control. Therapy for social anxiety includes methods, such as neurofeedback and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Let’s take a further look at the developmental part of this disorder.
What Is Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder is a disorder involving, according to the University of Pennsylvania, a marked fear or anxiety about social situations where the individual has interactions and may be judged by others. This fear is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the situation. It persists even when the situation does not warrant fear. Therapy for social anxiety can treat and control this fear but doesn’t “cure” the disorder.
Social Anxiety Disorder in Adults
Everyone feels nervous before giving a big speech at work or before taking another major social risk. Normal anxiety is targeted at a specific stressor and is a natural reaction to the uncertainty of an outcome in a complex situation. Social anxiety disorder is a level of anxiety around social situations that far exceeds normal anxiety and interferes with daily life. Like generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder is a form and amount of nervousness that creates severe problems for the sufferer.
Social Anxiety Disorder Usually Starts in Childhood
People usually develop anxiety disorders in late childhood to early adolescence. It typically develops between the ages of 8 and 13. It can result in symptoms in social situations that closely resemble those of executive function disorders such as autism or ADHD, such as missed social cues and difficulties maintaining friendships. Social anxiety disorder can interfere with social and organized activities, such as sports and extracurricular activities at school, which can create a further sense of social anxiety as one’s isolation increases.
Neurofeedback is a promising treatment for social anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders. It’s a visualized form of biofeedback based on the patient’s brain waves. With neurofeedback, you can see and change the patterns created by your brain in real time. Your neurofeedback therapy for social anxiety can change the course of your social life, which can put you back in control. Get in touch with us if you’re interested in this type of therapy and want to learn more.