Traumatic experiences can be life-changing events. An individual who has endured trauma may become unrecognizable. More specifically, their behavior may change significantly. Therapy for trauma can go a long toward helping people recover from those unfortunate events, but healing cannot begin unless the issue is recognized first. Learn how trauma can affect the brain so you can determine if it could be the cause of your loved one’s changing behavior.

What Are the Changes Caused by Trauma?

Most people may not realize the degree to which trauma changes the brain. It can affect many aspects of how a person engages with the world around them. For instance, trauma may change how a person perceives various stimuli.

According to a study highlighted by the University of Rochester Medical Center, individuals with PTSD may experience cognitive difficulties while trying to discern objects and events they encounter. The individuals in question may lean more towards assuming something is dangerous instead of taking the time to evaluate what’s in front of them. They are more likely to display that pattern of behavior when they are influenced by their emotions.

Stress and anxiety also become more significant elements in the lives of people who had traumatic experiences. The stress and anxiety levels of someone who has been through trauma do not only increase when they are put into situations that are meant to heighten those emotions. NHS Wales states that they may still feel the burden of those emotions in situations that lack those stressors.

What Are Treatment Options for Individuals Who Are Affected by Trauma?

Seeking treatment is a must for individuals who are struggling with the lingering effects of trauma. Therapy for trauma can be a viable solution for many people. Therapeutic options can be varied, so you must work with professionals who can administer the appropriate treatment.

According to a PTSD study in the UK, 100% of single-trauma victims and 77% of multiple-trauma victims were no longer diagnosed with PTSD after undergoing various sessions of eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. The survivors in question underwent six 50-minute EMDR sessions. This type of therapy has grown more popular in recent years, as it has received more recognition from authoritative bodies. It’s also worth trying if you or someone you know can benefit from effective therapy for trauma.

The impact that trauma has on the brain and a person’s life cannot be overstated. Affected individuals should seek treatment to break free from its lingering effects. Contact Trauma Healing Northwest today, and we’ll provide therapeutic solutions for your trauma-related struggles.